International Services

A Sub-committee of District 5080

International Service includes service projects and activities taking place between Rotarians and others in two or more countries. There are many ways to connect internationally through Rotary.

You might attend a Rotary Convention, host a Youth Exchange Student, visit a club in another country, join a Rotarian Action Group or Fellowship, apply to be a member of The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisors, participate in a National Immunization Day, attend a Project Fair, collaborate on a multi-country project, develop a sister-club relationship, and go on a Friendship Exchange. 

Looking for more ideas for engagement? It may involve projects funded by The Rotary Foundation Global Grants or by District Grants.


District 5080 International Service Sub-Committee collaborates with Clubs and Rotarians to engage in ways to connect internationally through Rotary projects and activities.

Members are a team of Rotarians who are available to help District 5080 Clubs to establish international projects and work in conjunction with the D5080 Foundation Committee to plan successful Global and District grants.

The International Service Sub-Committee is creating a District 5080 Resource List of Rotarians who might have a special interest or skill that could help Rotarians and Clubs in planning, designing, and implementing International Projects or a Global or a District grant.

Are you:

  • An engineer who could help with a water project in South America or a rain-harvesting project in Africa?
  • A medical provider or scientist who could help plan and design a cardiac unit in a hospital or a cervical cancer project in a remote village?
  • An educator who would like to help equip a school in Mexico?
  • An IT specialist who could design a computer lab for a facility in Nigeria?
  • A professional or hobbyist with a unique talent or trade who could help to train others?
  • A Rotarian who enjoys opportunities to help with unique projects?
  • A Rotarian who likes to organize District rapid responses to emergency situations?

If so, please let the Rotary District 5080 International Service Sub-Committee know about your special skill set and your interest in assisting the International Services Sub-Committee. We could use your expertise and knowledge!


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